Well, what a few days I have had. The Olympic village is amazing. I get to meet lots of famous people on the bus to the pool. I was sat behind Dean Boxall (whose celebration video went viral on youtube) the other day.
The food is amazing. You can get whatever you want to eat, pizza, burgers, sushi, salad, pasta etc. I have those lovely Japanese dumplings every day - mmh!
I finished all my jaffa cakes within week one and I am now down to my last box of berry crunch for breakfast, so I am trying to mix it up a bit with waffles and pancakes.
On Sunday I went to get a free haircut in the Olympic village, and they used the cut-throat razor on my neck, just as well they didn't slip! They even shaped my eyebrows. Not that you will really see it under the goggles and hat.

I forgot to tell you all, that Amazon.jp works really well over here for all those little things you forget. We didn't know if it would when we placed our first order in Hamamatsu, but it all came perfectly, thanks to my Dad. Jon Rudd didn't do as well though as he ordered beanbags for us to sit on before we have physio in the team area, but didn't realise you had to order the beans separately. He made headlines!!

I was delighted to hear that Nathan got a gold and bronze at the Deventio meet last Saturday - Loughborough training is obviously working for Nathan as well.
My Mum, Dad, Ben and Beth went to the #TeamIreland day in Belfast and had a great day meeting some of the other parents, the mascots and even had a photo with the Olympic rings. My mum is now famous as she was interviewed by CoolFM.
