Olympic Champion

The Early Years
Daniel and his identical twin brother Nathan started swimming at 3-months old in the local Water Babies sessions, and could often be seen escaping from the changing rooms and crawling towards the water.
They began formal swimming lessons with Cignets Learn to Swim in Lisburn Leisureplex.
Inspiration for competitive swimming came from their big brother Ben who starting swimming at the Grammar Schools gala, after medalling in the final he was asked to join Lurgan Amateur Swimming Club ultimately specialising in the 1500m freestyle and 400 IM.
At 6 years old Daniel and Nathan passed the trial and joined Lurgan Swimming Club where they competed in the Aquasprints league, Armagh Championships (which Daniel won) and multiple Swim Ulster galas.
At 10-years-old both boys moved to Lisburn City Swimming Club where they progressed though coaches such as Stan Sheppard, Richard Gheel and Martin J McGann. It was while they were both swimming with Stan, they qualified and joined the Ulster Squad. As they both progressed Nathan tended to specialise in backstroke whereas Daniel preferred freestyle, both would compete against each other in fly - neither liked breaststroke!
Their first 1500m freestyle was fondly remembered by many officials. during a Swim Ulster qualifying meet; both lined up on the block, they both wobbled, Daniel fell in and was closely followed by Nathan. Unfortunately, Daniel had to be disqualified leaving Nathan to claim the first 1500m freestyle victory. Something that has never happened since! Stan fondly said that Daniel was the only swimmer who he coached in his own lane!